Pyramid Healing Powers
Pyramid Healing Powers
How “our” Pyramids help you heal.
Basics on how this works.
The Pyramids that we build have different ways to support you in your healing.
The energy is given by the universe itself. It’s the sacred shape that condenses universal healing energy inside the pyramid. It’s how the creator intended energy to move. You set up certain sacred shapes and specific energies will follow. You follow the creations’ lead and you may receive a lot of good healing energy.
Just by sitting in the sacred shape of this pyramid YOU as a being of Body Soul and Spirit. A being of light will receive a big dose of universal energy. Given that you are open to it.
People that are not open shield themselves from any healing simply by their attitude which creates a dark layer of energy around them.
Sit, Relax and Breath
Sit upright with your spine aligned with the centre of the pyramid.
If you have a hard time sitting by yourself use a chair. Find a cheap used wooden chair and cut the legs off so you have something to lean against.
Tune into the Energy that is there for you. Relax and Breath. Deep but relaxed breathing for 10 to 15 minutes sitting in the Pyramid will charge and balance you. If you have a lot to let go, do chakra breathing first. A Video and or blog shall follow on that.
Do this once a day. Slowly increase the time as you adjust to the new intensity of universal energy flowing into you system.
Using the Copper Plate on top to create individual energies to help promote healing energy
We make our pyramids in a design that allows us to create individual energy vibes to the pyramid to help you heal.
There is a copper plate on top that you can use to place gems, essential oils, orgonites – anything that you know that will amplify the pyramid energy to your healing needs.
An example is rose quartz. Place a large rose quartz on the copper plate to create a soft energy in the Pyramid.
With the help of the connector you can export energy from the top of the Pyramid to copper plates. Those can be used in many different ways to support your healing.
A simple way is to place your feet barefoot on the plates. The energy that comes from the Pyramid is a rising universal energy. It will enter your feet and push up through your body and out your head. Give it some to work through your system. It will energize and balance your system. It is a great way to receive healing energies.
You can also use a copper plate and place it on specific areas of your body.
You can use this to transform energies as well. By placing allergens on the plate and a palm it will harmonize the stressful information from the allergens and re-balance your system.
This can also be done with emotional and mental issues. I have personally used it successfully to treat viruses, food allergies and anxiety.