My experience with Pyramid Energy

When I was in my early twenties (over 20 years ago :-)) I lived a life that wasn’t aligned with what God had planned for me.

My inner plan was out of sync with the ideals I followed. As a result I got sick and was tied to bed for 3 years.

It took about 2 years for me to be ready for a shift to accept that life is about more than what my parents had shown me. After a few clear pointers from God I started realizing that everything was energy I started to awaken on the inside.

As I went through many holistic and spiritual healing methods. Breath Therapy and Laser Acupuncture to be on the top of the list – I ended up finding Pyramids and was intrigued by their energy and how the energy may benefit me on my healing path.

So I built a 7 foot wooden pyramid with the same dimensions as the Cheops Pyramid, to replicate that energy.

The Cheops clearly was aligned with the ALL IS ONE energy of the universe and built as a center point of energy to help raise consciousness for those that tuned into its energy.

So I laid in every day for some time. I also used techniques known from bioresonance.

The Pyramid Energy gives the perfect vibe of universal energy to bring our own energy into sync with our creation. The Universe. I learned that I could get support to change and embrace or delete any information . Anything is energy. Everything has its individual vibe.

Viruses / Allergies / Believes / Emotions. It is the same principle as the bursting glass when exposed to its natural resonance.

When you confront a Virus with its very own frequency it will explode. And that is what I got accomplished. It doesn’t all happen in one sitting.

For the entire time that I was sick I was seen by doctors that were specialists in immunology. In my blood work they could measure the amount of antibodies of many viruses and bacteria that were sitting in my system. And about 3 month after my treatments they went from very high down to insignificant.

Please understand that any healing can happen when we are ready for the change that is necessary. We cannot fully cure unless we are ready to move on from what caused the disharmony in the first place.

That can be karmic, emotional, many things that usually work together to create a sickness.

So it all needs to go hand in hand with personal growth and often hard and painful self reflection to make sure that a disharmony does not bounce back or will show up in a different way in life.

Every time we truly heal we do become lighter. The light of the universe shines brighter in and through us.

And the pyramid and the healing powers it creates are a wonderful tool on that journey.