Basic Pyramid Usage

The Pyramid has many ways of usage. This will only cover some basic usages.

The most basic is to just sit in it. Use a wooden chair with sawed off legs if you are having difficulties sitting straight without support.

Otherwise align your spine with the middle of the pyramid and tune into its energy.

The more you tune into the existing energy the more your energy field will be able to accept the healing energy.

Your entire energy system will be balanced and charged.

You can also lie in the pyramid but the results will be less.

We recommend that you start with 15 Minutes a day and increase the time as needed. When you have a lot of healing energy entering your system it may create a lot of motion in yourself. Personal Emotions and Patterns may push to the surface as a sign of healing. The longer the exposure the more saturated the energy field is. But as it is with all things. One step at a time. Proceed with patience.

A wonderful way to charge in a soft way is to put a chair beside the Pyramid and place your feet just across the copper string. The energy will be picked up by your feet and it will slowly rise up your body and energize you. This is also a great way to meditate, pray and relax.

If you on the other hand want to increase the energetic impulse you can sit in the pyramid and hold on to the metal frame. A lot of energy and will move into your system.

We shape our lives and reality by what we think, feel and do:

Please be aware that everything you think, feel and do in the Pyramid will have a higher magnitude on what you manifest. Be mindful of a positive, grateful mindset when you enter and stay in the pyramid. Every meditation, prayer etc. Will be a lot more powerful inside.

And it is important to know that we all are on the path of healing. It is not meant for us to manifest our personal hopes and dreams but to listen to God and use techniques to align ourselves with his will.

It is helpful to send out unconditional love, abundance, good health, inner stability and so on so we attract these energies.

Do not send any old energies to the Earth. The earth is in pain over what has been created on this planet by the

free will of humans. The spirit guides will aid you in overcoming problems and transforming old energies.