Right Pyramid Setup


If you have your own Pyramid it is important to note that the original Cheops Pyramid in Egypt was aligned with the True North. Not the Magnetic North.


To get the best energy experience please calculate the True North Deviation from the Magnetic North.


One way to do this is use this website: https://www.ngdc.noaa.gov/geomag/calculators/magcalc.shtml



You will need a compass. (There are free compass apps for your phone)

Align the Compass to the Magnetic North = 0 degrees. Then turn the compass to the mentioned deviation on the website to know the True North Alignment.


For example. When the deviation is 15 degrees East. You turn the compass until it shows 345.


I recommend using a straight stick or long ruler of some sort to extend the compass needle and ease the alignment of the pyramid side with your compass.


Extend the legs of the pyramid so that the copper wire is fully extended and align one side of the pyramid with the stick or ruler.


The Pyramid is ready to use.